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A master plant used for opening the heart and connecting with nature.

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Bobinsana considers it “the owner of the plant.” It is believed to have antiseptic, antipyretic, tonic, stimulating and purifying properties. This plant is 4 to 6 meters tall and has beautiful pink to purple flowers.

Tribal and Herbal Medicine Uses

  • It is a stimulant.
  • Helps obtain more energy and vitality, also for uterine pain, vomiting, dehydration as well as rheumatism and asthma.
  • Helps fight chills caused by a cold
  • Improves breathing
  • It is an excellent blood cleanser, especially with clots formed as a result.

What is the Bobinsana plant?

  • Bobinsana or bubinzana is a species of shrub belonging to the Fabaceae family, genus Calliandra, species Calliandra angustifolia. It is found next to the rivers or streams of the Amazon basin, in South America (Arroyave, Posada and Vélez, 2018). Bubinzana is also a novel and a group of writers


How to take Bobinsana?

  • How is Bobinsana Rapé used and what are its effects? The traditional way to use snuff is when another person (usually a shaman) blows the powder into your nose with a tepi. However, you can also self-administer snuff with a V-shaped wooden pipe called a kuripe.


What is Bobinsana used for?

  • Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia) is a small shrub from the Amazon basin of South America. The indigenous people of this area use the plant, which grows next to rivers and streams, as a stimulant, for which they prepare an infusion of its roots that they drink to obtain strength and energy.


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