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Bolsa Mullaca

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The “Mullaca Bag” (Physalis angulata), also known as “mullaca” or “coquito,” is a plant native to tropical America and has been used in traditional medicine by various communities.

Uses in tribal and herbal medicine:

  • Diuretic, antidiabetic, and antimalarial
  • Anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhoidal
  • Antiasmatic and in hepatitis

What is Mullaca Bag?

• Physalis angulata L. (Mullaca Bag): Review of traditional uses, chemistry, and pharmacology. Physalis angulata is a species of the Solanaceae family with edible fruits, used as a medicinal and fruit-bearing plant in different countries in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

What are the benefits of Mullaca?

• Dr. Martha Villar, Director of Complementary Medicine at EsSalud, reported that Mullaca, when taken as a decoction, promotes decongestion of the respiratory pathways, citing its anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. She added that due to its mild flavor, it can be used in children under 5 years old.

How is Mullaca consumed?

• Its root serves as a bronchodilator. Cook 1 handful in a liter of water for 3 minutes. Take 3 cups of Mullaca daily for two or three weeks. Against Diabetes: taking the maceration of the roots in alcohol.


How is mullaca prepared?

• The way to prepare it, he explained, is to add 10 grams of mullaca to a liter of water and let it boil for 5 minutes. Then drink 3 cups during the day, for a week, in respiratory processes with secretions because it is a good fluidifier, that is, it facilitates the expulsion of phlegm.


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