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Klip Dagga

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The “klip dagga” (Leonotis nepetifolia), also known as “lion’s tail” or “lion’s mantle”, is a plant native to Africa and Asia that has been used in traditional medicine.


Healing properties

Sedative: Klip dagga is believed to have sedative properties, which may help relieve stress and promote relaxation.
Analgesic: Some reports suggest that the plant may have analgesic properties, possibly useful in relieving pain.
Anti-inflammatory: It has been suggested that klip dagga may have anti-inflammatory properties, although more research is needed to support this claim.
How to use:
Infusion: The leaves and flowers of the klip dagga have been used to make infusions or teas. It is prepared by placing the parts of the plant in hot water and letting them rest before consuming them.
Smoked: In some cultures, klip dagga leaves have also been smoked for ritual or medicinal purposes, although this is not recommended due to the health risks associated with smoking.


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